Duchess Mew Artist Notes

Commentary from yours truly, the artist behind the author behind Duchess Mew. View the comic at Duchess Mew, and then come back here and give us feedback!

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Location: United States


Delay in Comic

GIMP has abandoned me and crashed after I finished coloring, but before I saved. Expect the comic sometime this weekend.



Digital Comics & Voting Buttons

Good Morning,

As you may have noticed (or not), the quality of the art in this comic is down a bit. That is because it is my first ever fully digital piece of art. I drew this baby in GIMP from its base structure on up. All in all I liked drawing on the computer, however it is definitely not easy. I think that in the long run my art will be improved, but in the short run it may be a little lower in quality. Wish me luck and if you have suggestions or tips on making drawing with a Wacom, please drop me a line.

In other news, you'll see we've finally got some voting buttons. :-) Click them to improve our rating. We'll start with baby steps and try to get into the top 1000 first. ;-)

Shade & Sweet Water,

The Masked Lioness


Comic for Feb. 4th

Good Morning,

As you can see a new comic is up. Woohoo.

Classes have started again and I'm taking Intro to Archival Management. It looks to be a lot of fun...and a lot of work. Hopefully it will help me decide if I want to focus in archives (which is likely since I love old documents), or just in preservation or technology. Ultimately my decision will probably be colored by where the job opprotunities are.

Back to the comic, as you can see Azom has been getting a little bit of character development time. I'm hoping we can start fleshing these folks out now that you've met them and seen a bit how they interact with each other. Since my husband writes the scripts, each week is a new adventure and surprise for me as well. ;-)

Shade & Sweet Water,
The Masked Lioness